2 Ways To Help Yourself Recover From Vision Correction Surgery

Posted on: 30 May 2015

Undergoing vision correction surgery is a great way to reduce or eliminate your need to wear corrective lenses. However, undergoing any type of surgery is going to require a bit of a recovery period. Eye drops and eye shields are just a few things that you can utilize to help yourself recover from your procedure.

Eye Drops

One of the first things that you are going to need when recovering from vision correction surgery is eye drops. The primary reason for this is that your eyes are going to feel quite dry in the days or weeks following the procedure. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can also require cause you to feel the urge to rub your eyes.

That urge can be especially dangerous in the days following your surgery because rubbing your eyes can cause the corneal flap to shift. If this flap shifts, you can end up needing to go back to the eye doctor to have it repositioned, or experience quite a bit of pain. In addition, you may need the eye drops for your own comfort for several years as many people have reported that they get dry eyes more frequently after vision correction surgery.

Eye Shields

Eye shields are another great resource that can help you recover from your surgery, and they will only be necessary for a short while. This is because eye shields are designed to keep you from rubbing your eyes until the corneal flap heals. Once the flap is stable, which usually takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, you can stop wearing the shields. The shields will often be either hard plastic glasses or simple plastic lenses that you can tape over your eyes.

These shields are going to be most useful when you go to bed at night, as the hard plastic lenses that are worn over your eyes will keep you from rubbing your eyes with your hand, or rubbing your eyes along a blanket, sheet, or pillow while you are tossing about in your sleep. In addition, the shields will keep you from absentmindedly rubbing your eyes first thing in the morning before you are fully awake and alert.

Speak to your eye doctor, like Dr Gary Wetmore, today in order to discuss if you are a good candidate for vision correction surgery. After the surgery, eye shields and eye drops can help you make the recovery process much easier.
